Check out your library!

by a visitor

You can look at the titles of books in the library (or bookstore) without opening the books. Then make up a story that fits one of the titles. When you've written the story, make up a different title for the one you've written.

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Dec 07, 2018
by: Anonymous

Title of a book or fiction may say everything or convey no idea ,it is all complexities, there are thousand and thousands neurons in our complex mind.This is the mystery.Whether the godless universe where human mind dwells has been able to unravel this truth.Thank God !to this godless universe.

Dec 07, 2018
by: Anonymous

Title of a book or fiction may say everything or convey no idea ,it is all complexities, there are thousand and thousands neurons in our complex mind.This is the mystery.Whether the godless universe where human mind dwells has been able to unravel this truth.Thank God !to this godless universe.

Apr 24, 2010
I love this idea
by: Anonymous

Whenever I see the title or cover of a book, I instantly form an idea of its contents, and the reality never matches my expectations. I love your idea of turning this initial idea into a creative work of its own.

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