by H. G. Cunnup
(North Carolina, USA)
This novel has a twist! My review will be about the newest novel Demon Kissed. I recently read it and enjoyed it! The plot of the story is about a girl named Ivy Taylor who finds herself in a pickle. She starts off being bit by a half-demon, the Valefar or servants of Hell.
She soon finds out by another guy named Eric, that she is half-angel, which puts her in this pickle. She finds out that everyone is after her, the valefar and martis, and her best friend, Collin, is introduced to this love triangle. Which is between Eric and Collin.
Strange events happen and I have a signed copy as well as a ebook, this novel doesn't have ANY vampires or werewolves, which I am surprised due to almost every novel nowadays are about vampires and werewolves (no hatred against them).
It is a great read, and surprisingly the author studied theology. It's the study of religion. She gained facts and placed it into a fiction setting. She is great at replying to emails and I keep up to date on this author.