Journal Writing Prompts - Your Memories

On this page, you'll find journal writing prompts related to your memories. Click here for journal prompts about your opinions, daydreams, and goals.

Journal prompts: memories

1. What's something you were afraid of as a child?

2. What's something difficult you had to do?

3. What's an embarrassing moment that happened to you?

4. Who is someone you've lost? What are some of your memories about that person?

5. What's something that helped to shape your outlook to life?

6. Describe your teachers at school.

7. Describe your best childhood friend and your relationship with this person.

8. When you were a child, how did you imagine your adult self?

9. What's your earliest memory?

10. What are some of the memories you associate with springtime? With summer, fall, and winter?

Journal prompts: Write about your first...

11. Day of school or college

12. Crush

13. Date

14. Car

15. Home

16. Pet

17. Job

Journal prompts - Write about any of these life milestones:

18. Graduation

19. Wedding or divorce

20. Pregnancy

21. Childbirth

22. Job or career change, retirement

Journal prompts - What memories are brought by the following smells?

23. pine needles

24. cut grass

25. sunscreen

26. rubbing alcohol

27. cinnamon

28. stale beer

29. pencil erasers

30. vinegar

31. newly-vacuumed carpet

32. orange peel

33. radiators heating up

34. mothballs

35. roses

36. a new car

37. frying bacon

38. damp paper

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