Writing Goals Worksheet - CWN Online Creative Writing Classes

Use this worksheet with the CWN online creative writing classes or by itself to work toward your creative writing goals.

Read the instructions below, then click here to get the worksheet.

Choosing your goals

Choose goals that are specificobjectiverealistic and short-term (think in terms of a 7-day period).

Examples of specific, objective and realistic goals:

  • "Write 15 minutes a day, four days a week."
  • "Read four stories."
  • "Try writing about my father."
  • "Write two character profiles."
  • "Check out a short fiction anthology from the library."

This worksheet is not intended for goals like the following examples:

  • "Write a really good story." (Who decides if it's good? This goal will be difficult to measure. Of course, your ultimate goal is to become a better writer. But the way to get there is to write more, read more, and practice different writing techniques. So set objective goals to do the things that will make you a better writer such as writing a certain number of days per week, reading a story by a new author, doing one of the optional exercises from the CWN online creative writing classes.)
  • "Get published." (This is not a helpful goal for the Goals Worksheet because it takes more than 7 days and is not under your control.)
  • "Write 200 pages or finish a novel." (These are not short-term goals.)

How to use the Worksheet

  • Set a goal
  • Decide a realistic date when the goal should be completed. Then set a date and time on your calendar to fill out the Progress Worksheet to measure your progress. (If you are taking one of the CWN online creative writing classes, your Progress Worksheet appointment will also be your next class session -- so make sure you have enough time then to complete the coursework as well.)
  • Ideally, you will have completed the goal when you fill out the Progress Worksheet, but it is extremely important to keep your appointment and complete the worksheet even if you haven't met your objectives. In other words: Things happen. It's okay if you don't always meet your goals. But it's not okay to skip or postpone your Progess Worksheet appointments. Set these appointments at times you know you'll have free, and then give them same priority you'd give a doctor's appointment. Why? Your goal-setting won't work if you don't take it seriously. You want to be a writer, right? So this should be at the top of your priority list.

Click here to get the worksheet

If you have trouble opening the link, then you can use a sheet of paper instead to write down the worksheet information:

Writing Goals Worksheet

Today's Date:

Goal 1: (Here, you write down a goal for your creative writing. Remember: goals should be specific, objective, and achievable in the short-term – for example, think in terms of a 7-day time frame.)

How will you know if you've achieved this goal? ( (Here, you write the way your goal will be measured. For example, if your goal is to read more, your answer might be, "I've read at least 2 stories." If your goal is to try something new, the measurement might be, "I've started writing either a ghost story or a fantasy story." You can skip this question if the answer is obvious.) 

(Optional) Goal 2:

How will you know if you've achieved this goal?

(Optional) Goal 2:

How will you know if you've achieved this goal?

When will you fill out the Progress Worksheet? 
(Here, you choose a date and time when you expect to have completed your goal. If you are taking one of the CWN online creative writing classes, this will also be the date and time of your next class.) 

“I have put this date on my calendar, and I am committed to keeping the appointment.”

(Your signature)______________________ 

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