Story Writing Tips - 12 Questions to Ask Your Character

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Here are some fun questions to help you learn more about a fictional character.

Think about:

- How your character would answer each question.

- Would your character lie or tell only part of the truth? If so, also think about what the REAL answer would be.

If you don't have particular a character in mind for this exercise, just choose a name at random, and see what occurs to you. This is a great way to get new story ideas!

Questions to Ask Your Character

1) What do you think about when you're trying to fall asleep?

Your character's answer:

The truth (if different from above):

2) Do you have a hiding place? If so, what do you keep there?

Your character's answer:

The truth (if different from above):

3) If they make a movie about your life, what actor might play you?

Your character's answer:

The truth (if different from above):

4) What's the first possession you would save from a fire?

Your character's answer:

The truth (if different from above):

5) What's one of the worst things you've ever done?

Your character's answer:

The truth (if different from above):

6) Whom do you envy, and why?

Your character's answer:

The truth (if different from above):

7) Do you sing or dance when you're by yourself? If so, please elaborate.

Your character's answer:

The truth (if different from above):

8) What false impression might other people have about you?

Your character's answer:

The truth (if different from above):

9) How do you feel when you look in a mirror?

Your character's answer:

The truth (if different from above):

10) Describe your ideal man or woman.

Your character's answer:

The truth (if different from above):

11) What's a memory that you cherish like a treasure?

Your character's answer:

The truth (if different from above):

12) What's something you usually lie about?

Your character's answer:

The truth (if different from above):

Get out e-book 100 Questions to Improve Your Characters for free!

Photo credit: cottonbro @ Pexels

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